Results for 'C. A. Lyas'

926 found
  1.  28
    Studies in the Philosophy of Wittgenstein.C. A. Lyas - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (174):330-332.
  2. Líber, Augusto e Marco Antônio.Lya Serignolli - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03417.
    A libertas era uma questão fundamental na política romana, ligada aos primórdios da República; e Líber era uma divindade que correspondia a esse aspecto sob as mais diversas perspectivas. O papel de Líber como libertador é tão antigo em Roma que se confunde com as lendas dos fundadores da República, que foram chamados de libertadores por sua atuação na expulsão dos reis. Líber e libertas, especialmente a política, estavam arraigados à mente romana, e as lideranças políticas achavam interessante estabelecer essa (...)
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  3.  41
    The genesis of appearances, II. sensible qualities.C. A. Strong - 1926 - Mind 35 (138):137-153.
  4. How kantian a theory of capitalism.A. C. Wick - 1998 - Business Ethics Quaterly 1.
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  5. (1 other version)C.A.A.S. Rome-Athens Scholarship, Summer 1967.J. C. Williams - 1966 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 60 (1):4.
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    Discussions: Mr. Randle on sensations and projection.C. A. Strong - 1926 - Mind 35 (140):462-465.
  7.  10
    Final observations.C. A. Strong - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (9):233-243.
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  8. ELDEN, A. I.: "Free Action". [REVIEW]A. C. Stoop - 1962 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 40:247.
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    Ethical Leadership in Modern Employment Relationships: Lessons from St. Benedict. [REVIEW]Christopher C. A. Chan, Kenneth McBey & Brenda Scott-Ladd - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (2):221 - 228.
    Business ethics and leadership play an increasingly important role for contemporary organizations as employers and employees search for new ways to cope with ongoing changes in organizational environments. Research attention to date has focused upon how to improve process and structural configurations, while there has been scant attention devoted to an examination of the ethical and leadership perspective. This article breaks new ground by exploring the applicability of the Rule of St. Benedict (RSB) to modern employment relationships. A significant proportion (...)
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    Johann P. Arnason, Kurt A. Raaflaub, and Peter Wagner (eds.). The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy: A Politico-cultural Transformation and Its In-terpretations. The Ancient World: Comparative Histories. Malden, Mass.: Black-well, 2013. Pp. x, 400. $139.95. ISBN 978-1-4443-5106-4. With contributions from the editors and E. Flaig, L. Bertelli, J. Grethlein, H. [REVIEW]A. Lanni Yunis, R. K. Balot, E. A. Meyer, S. L. Forsdyke, C. Mossé, R. Osborne, L. A. Tritle, T. B. Strong & N. Karagiannis - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (1):139-145.
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  11. Talking about causing events.C. A. Vogel, Alexis Wellwood, Rachel Dudley & J. Brendan Ritchie - 2014 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 9 (1).
    Questions about the nature of the relationship between language and extralinguistic cognition are old, but only recently has a new view emerged that allows for the systematic investigation of claims about linguistic structure, based on how it is understood or utilized outside of the language system. Our paper represents a case study for this interaction in the domain of event semantics. We adopt a transparency thesis about the relationship between linguistic structure and extralinguistic cognition, investigating whether different lexico-syntactic structures can (...)
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    Montchrestien's Variants and the theme of Deceit.C. A. M. Wooding - 1982 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 44 (3):521-532.
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  13.  28
    The genesis of appearances.--I. Distance and magnitude.C. A. Strong - 1926 - Mind 35 (137):39-58.
  14.  10
    The Crisis Of The Triumph Of Liberalism.C. A. Tesconi - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (3):239-249.
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  15. L'esperienza in Aristotele.C. A. Viano - 1959 - Rivista di Filosofia 50 (3):299.
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    The Making of Homeric Verse: The Collected Papers of Milman Parry.C. A. Trypanis, Milman Parry & Adam Parry - 1973 - American Journal of Philology 94 (3):302.
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  17.  35
    Why the mind has a body: Reply to professor Bakewell.C. A. Strong - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (3):337-342.
  18.  27
    Causal Necessity: A Pragmatic Investigation of the Necessity of Laws.C. A. Hooker - 1984 - Noûs 18 (3):517-521.
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    New Testament Ethics.C. A. Anderson Scott - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book contains the text of the Hulsean Lectures for 1929 on the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. Scott was the first non-clergyman to hold this lectureship, and in these lectures he charts the development and gradual evolution of the teachings of Jesus though their interpretation by later teachers.
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  20. Sex and Art.C. A. Scott - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:312.
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    Galileo, Ficino, and Henry More's Psychathanasia.C. A. Staudenbaur - 1968 - Journal of the History of Ideas 29 (4):565.
  22. The N methyI—D-aspartate receptor・synaptic plasticity・and depressive disorder.C. A. Stewart - 2000 - A Critical Review 87 (1).
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  23.  24
    On the subject-object relation.C. A. Strong - 1932 - Mind 41 (164):476-480.
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    The Nature of Consciousness.C. A. Strong - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22:346.
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  25. An argument for the unity of consciousness.C. A. Tomy - 2003 - In Amita Chatterjee, Perspectives on Consciousness. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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  26. Perspectives on Consciousness.C. A. Tomy - 2003 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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  27.  65
    N. Kazantzakis, J. T. Kakridis: Ὁμ ρου λι δα. μμετρη Μετ φραση. Pp. 401. Athens: privately printed, 1955. Paper.C. A. Trypanis - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):280-.
  28.  17
    'n Perspektief op die nuwe Psalmomdigting.C. A. J. Vos - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    Latin Poets in the British Parliament.C. A. Vince - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (03):97-104.
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    Public Health and Obesity: When a Pound of Prevention Really Is Worth an Ounce of Cure.C. A. Womack - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (3):222-228.
    In this response to Jonny Anomaly’s ‘Is Obesity a Public Health Problem?’ I argue, contra the author that public health actually increases individuals’ abilities to choose actions that further their health goals, specifically in the case of obesity. The intractability of obesity as an individual medical problem combined with the health benefits of modest (5–10 per cent of body weight) weight loss suggest that public health measures helping people make small changes in eating habits improve population health. I argue that (...)
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  31. Testimony: a philosophical study.C. A. J. Coady - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our trust in the word of others is often dismissed as unworthy, because the illusory ideal of "autonomous knowledge" has prevailed in the debate about the nature of knowledge. Yet we are profoundly dependent on others for a vast amount of what any of us claim to know. Coady explores the nature of testimony in order to show how it might be justified as a source of knowledge, and uses the insights that he has developed to challenge certain widespread assumptions (...)
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    Fox-hunting as recorded by Raed.C. A. Stephens & John C. Winston Company ) - unknown
    (Statement of Responsibility) by C.A. Stephens ; illustrated.
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  33.  45
    Education, literacy and the development of rationality.C. A. Winch - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (2):187–200.
    C A Winch; Education, Literacy and the Development of Rationality, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 17, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 187–200, https://d.
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  34. (1 other version)A Creed for Sceptics.C. A. Strong - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (47):353-355.
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  35. Carol Berkenkotter and Thomas N. Hickin, Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication: Cognition/Culture/Power.C. A. Taylor - 1996 - Argumentation 10:495-499.
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  36. Esistenzialismo ed umanesimo in Merleau-Ponty.C. A. Viano - 1953 - Rivista di Filosofia 44 (1):38-60.
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  37. Cultura scientifica e politiche della ricerca.C. A. Viano - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 2.
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    Crack initiation in the zinc–mercury embrittlement couple.C. A. R. Westwood - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (98):199-209.
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  39. Nancy Mason Bradbury and Arthur Quinn, Audiences and Intentions: A Book of Arguments.C. A. Willard - 1996 - Argumentation 10:150-151.
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    Two Notes on Virgil and Horace.C. A. Vince - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (7-8):164-166.
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    Fate and free will.C. A. Strong - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (1):5-9.
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    Physical pain and pain nerves.C. A. Strong - 1896 - Psychological Review 3 (1):64-68.
  43.  57
    The continuity of space and time.C. A. Strong - 1928 - Mind 37 (148):393-413.
  44.  13
    Is eschatologie concreet?C. A. Tukker - 1975 - HTS Theological Studies 31 (3/4).
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  45. De philosophie Van A. E. loen en Haar betekenis voor de existentiële crisis Van het waarheidsbegrip.C. A. Van Peursen - 1948 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 10 (3):509-515.
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  46. (2 other versions)Essays on the Natural Origin of the Mind.C. A. Strong - 1931 - Humana Mente 6 (21):106-110.
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    Things perceived but not existent: A rejoinder to dr. Montague.C. A. Strong - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (21):572-578.
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    Why the mind has a body.C. A. Strong - 1928 - Mind 37 (146):262-263.
  49.  26
    A Study of the Structure of Meaning in the Sentences of the Satiric Verse Characters of John Dryden. [REVIEW]C. A. V. - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (15):416-417.
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  50. Thomas B. Farrell, Norms of Rhetorical Culture.C. A. Willard - 1996 - Argumentation 10:317-325.
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